
My purpose is to support people to be their best

Hola, my name is Roberto Vargas or Róbe Canek. I am a Porvida Teacherman. My purpose is to inspire all people to connect more to their inner person so they may live with greater love and joy for self, all their relationships, and our Mother Earth.

For over 40 years, as principal consultant for New World Associates, I have worked as a community organizer, organization psychologist, planning consultant, leadership coach, and ceremony facilitator. I feel blessed to have supported proactive persons and organizations from throughout the country to be their best via coaching, facilitation, and leadership development.

Now, in my senior years, my growing focus is to unleash the power we all possess for radical love and transformation.  Our human society has been on a path of life destruction for generations that brings us now to a time of profound choice.  We choose to ignore the consequences of a being a society that continues poisoning our air, soil and water, or we choose love and power to save humanity by becoming people and societies of increase love, responsibility, and respect.

My choice is love and power.  I choose to be an ally with the growing number of community activists, healers, and leaders trusting in our transformative potential. My commitment is to draw upon my learning as an indigenous healer, my experience as a family activist, and my conventional studies as a therapist and public health professional to support all interested people in becoming their best as facilitators of family well-being and active movers for positive change.

For the immediacy, I hope my writings will be of assistance.  In the near future, I will be offering seminars, trainings, and community gatherings for supporting personal growth, porvida living, and proactive leadership.